Thursday, February 21, 2019


Image result for moana sailing boat in a gif format
        Be with the ocean and taste the sweetness of success. When I was at my young age, I am scared to put my feet in the water. Having a thought that water will eat me alive without any pity but the truth is water always look calm. We all know that someone’s life is easy to read or to judge but putting your feet and experiencing the pain that they have will be different. For now I am proud to say that I’ll be sailing my boat alone and I am ready.
        College takes years but experience can be used until you can’t speak nor see clearly. The knowledge that you will gain will be a treasure that you can have and can’t be stole by others. I am ready for college because few months from now I will be ending my 12 years of training to sail the unpredictable waves of being a college students. I am ready to pass every island that will tempt me to stay. I am ready to face every big wave that will try to destroy my boat. 12 years of preparation for me to sail my boat alone is enough. Everything that I learned and experience will be the greatest weapon that I can bring in this new journey. I will never be frightened by the waves anymore, because I have God and in my 12 years of learning God serves as my coach.
        I am ready for college because I am. I know my limits and I have a big dream to reach. I don’t want to stay dreaming I want to make it real. I’ll sail my boat to reach the port. I am ready for college for I can stay focus and determined to taste success not a temporary bliss that will tempt me in my journey. I am proud to say that will reach the port because I have a good instructors and a life experience to purse my dreams. I need to reach the port because I don’t want to spend months or years waiting for someone to help me. I don’t want to be a failure my parents do their best for me to have a good boat and I don’t want their sufferings to be useless. I am ready for college because I know how to surf under the big waves that the ocean will give to me.
        I am ready for college not because my grades or friends told me. I am ready for it because I feel it. I am ready to face the waves for I still have my parents to rescue in the other island behind the port. I want them to be proud for what I have done. I want to reach them by my own hand and reached every beautiful island that they deserved. I am ready for college because I have a dream to fulfill.
        I am ready to sail my boat because I will pass this another few months and be one of a graduate students of SPXI Cuyapo. I am ready for college because I know that I am a product of a good school and I can reach the port that I want to reach. I will sail my boat and be with the ocean’s unpredictable waves.